in holland we say:
“beter goed gejat, dan slecht verzonnen”. Meaning something like: it’s better to copy something cool than creating something stupid. Although I absolutely detest copycats, I do like to share things I’ve read that I will never reproduce any better. So every now and then, I would like share something from the web I think is funny, interesting, true, fits my blog and you must not miss.
This week, its an article of Elite Daily talking about how it is to have a long-distance best friend. For me, I have a lot of long-distance friends since I crossed the ocean and left my Amsterdam life behind. And, even though my very very very best friend lives in San Fran, we still live in a different time-zone and…its only a few hours, but still: e lot of stuff in this article is SO true! Like these ones:
Beter goed gejat, dan slecht verzonnen. Ik bedoel, ik haat copycats daar niet van, maar delen wat ik nooit beter zou kunnen schrijven en perfect op mijn blog past zou toch ook stom zijn? Bij Elite Daily kwam ik een artikel tegen over langeafstand besties en aangezien ik als expat met de grote oversteek al mijn lieve vriendinnetje heb achtergelaten, sprak dit nogal tot de verbeelding.
Daarbij, woont mijn bestie der besties in San Fransisco en alhoewel dat maar een paar laffe uurtjes tijdsverschil met zich meebrengt, is dit artikel zo waar! Een paar quotes:
when you are getting sh*tfaced, she’s getting ready to go out
it has taken months to perfect, but you’ve finally managed to create a realistic communication schedule
her good morning texts make you happier than a boyfriend’s ever could
once you book a trip, you spend every moment counting down the days
you plan exactly what your futures are going to look likeneither of you really feels the need to make new friends because no one could ever compare
you are never more excited than when you have a trip planned
….and never so sad as when your trip is finally over
Want to know how it is to have a long distance friend? Read the full article here: